Freda Bright says, "Only in opera do people die of love." It's true. You really can't love somebody to death. I've known people to die from no love, but I've never known anyone to be loved to death. We just can't love one another enough.
A heart-warming story tells of a woman who finally decided to ask her boss for a raise in salary. All day she felt nervous and apprehensive. Late in the afternoon she summoned the courage to approach her employer. To her delight, the boss agreed to a raise.
The woman arrived home that evening to a beautiful table set with their best dishes. Candles were softly glowing. Her husband had come home early and prepared a festive meal. She wondered if someone from the office had tipped him off. Or - did he just somehow know that she would not get turned down?
She found him in the kitchen and told him the good news. They embraced and kissed, then sat down to the wonderful meal. Next to her plate the woman found a beautifully lettered note. It read: "Congratulations, darling! I knew you'd get the raise! These things will tell you how much I love you."
Following the supper, her husband went into the kitchen to clean up. She noticed that a second card had fallen from his pocket. Picking it off the floor, she read: "Don't worry about not getting the raise! You deserve it anyway! These things will tell you how much I love you."
Someone has said that the measure of love is when you love without measure. What this man feels for his spouse is total acceptance and love, whether she succeeds or fails. His love celebrates her victories and soothes her wounds.
He stands with her, no matter what life throws in their direction. He may say that he loves her to death. But he doesn't. He loves her to LIFE. For his love nourishes her life like nothing else can.
Upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, Mother Teresa said: "What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family." And love your friends. Love them without measure.
Love them to LIFE.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Why pls dun stop d music??
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Fliming new Drama

Flimin..Me at studio 4..

Film till veri late..veri hungry..cant call pizza hut or Mac cos i still haf to go to gate to collect ah..too tired for i ask d props man to GIVE ME SO FOOD!!!

Yay!Pork chop..although is cold bt still something d colslaw is spoilt lor..haiz

My mother-in-law inside d show

Title:Housewife holidays..Nt again im married..tis time i haf a 11yr old daughter..Same same we r Lao He student..

My sister-in-law inside d show..

D so call local desperate housewife in channel8..

My brother-in-law inside d show..

He is my husband inside d show..

Monday, November 17, 2008
Halloween nite at st james DF
Oh my God my frens reali dress up like GHOST lor..haha..well is suppose to b like tat la..

No choice i decided to put on a little more make up on my face to lok like a ghost ..

Irene Ang..D guy name i forgotten liao..

Tis is Pat Mok..Xiao ling jie dun lok like a ghost,bt she dress n act like a ghost..She win liao la.

Ghost oso like to drink..She is askin for a drink..If u dun give her,SHE WILL HAUNT YOU..

No choice i decided to put on a little more make up on my face to lok like a ghost ..

Irene Ang..D guy name i forgotten liao..

Tis is Pat Mok..Xiao ling jie dun lok like a ghost,bt she dress n act like a ghost..She win liao la.

Ghost oso like to drink..She is askin for a drink..If u dun give her,SHE WILL HAUNT YOU..

My life,
St james dragonfly
Nu ren da chu yi
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thai pub in singapore
I m veri sure tat,I am nt a chiongster.Bt since when i bcome 1,i oso dont noe?No matter i like it or nt?Tats hw others lok at me nw?Chiongster...

Do i lok drunk?Mmm..HIGH lah,nt drunk yet..

Thai pubs,b it Goldenmile(level 2),Chinatown(level 6),Orchard(level 7)opp hard rock,Shenton way or central mall..Cherry Thai,bangkok Thai,Choregrapher,NANA,Impact..all i went le..I sound proud leh?Wow,wats there to b proud off

Heard tat Mond Sultan beside beds has 1 n at East coast has 1 too?Still havent had chance to go there,bt i guess is a matter of time onli??..
Reali make sense,as long as they dun fold their business,I will haf my chance lor...Whaaahahah..I mus b siao le..haiz..

(Men of the same kind flock together)
I begin to noe more n more nite life frens le..Is a gd tin ma,i dunoe???..Is a fact tat we all haf to accept rite??? Nt all question has an answer aniwae..
D 1st time tat i went to DF was 2006 1st dec.It was my badae.At tat time St james power station wasnt fully open in business yet.Peppermint Park is under renovation at then.Boiler still no where to b found..Me n my frens haf direct access to everywhere.Bcos at then we r VVIPs..Managers,bouncers,Big bosses follow wherever we go..well i feel proud at tat moment..Is like a 1 nite tour lor..
I had fun,bt i wasnt hapi .Reason he nt will me.I miz him ,he at Australia.

After my broke up wif him.I started to patronise nite spots..I started to go DF was bcos i noe tat his colleagues r always there n i noe tat he b there too.Cos d 3rd wk of our break up,he went DF le.Bt i was at hm,woundin myself..I shut myself up for 4mths.D 1st time i saw him at DF,d veri 2nd dae i was sen to TTSH(Tan Tock Seng Hospital)His colleagues noes alot of thai gals n visit THai pubs,plus some of them actuali haf thai gf n so I go Thai pubs too.4th wk of our break up,he haf a Thai female fren le...which he claim tat, d gal was onli a hi,bye fren onli.Bt d gal appeared in his frenster?He says tis is gal is out to con his $.Oh reali,Mmmm,my reply..Well if u purely go DF for leisure n nt to make frens n didnt leave ani contacts bhind hw got she con u ley???..

So far i haf nt seen him in ani Thai pubs yet..Bt i always saw him at DF.Tis mth he went there twice le..I saw him las 9 again..Actuali i reali didnt wan to go down de.Cos i haf a feelin tat i will c him there.Las 9 i saw n proven my 6th sense was rite.I saw him standin at d floor,1 stupid gal jus kep pullin his shirt kep tokin to him.Well no men could resist tis type of temptation lor..He tok to tis gal again n again,n laughin happily away..I was totali heart broken..I couldnt take it animore..I went away to cry.D best part?After i finish my cryin,I saw him at smokin corner wif eye to eye contact.He saw me le..haiz..
Ard 2am he left.I was drunk after i saw him left.Mayb i felt relax tat he went away wif his colleagues n nt wif tat GALS ba..

A lovin couple kissn on stage..Is my buddy fren..

Shenton way Thai Pub..Cheographer

Do i lok drunk?Mmm..HIGH lah,nt drunk yet..

Thai pubs,b it Goldenmile(level 2),Chinatown(level 6),Orchard(level 7)opp hard rock,Shenton way or central mall..Cherry Thai,bangkok Thai,Choregrapher,NANA,Impact..all i went le..I sound proud leh?Wow,wats there to b proud off

Heard tat Mond Sultan beside beds has 1 n at East coast has 1 too?Still havent had chance to go there,bt i guess is a matter of time onli??..
Reali make sense,as long as they dun fold their business,I will haf my chance lor...Whaaahahah..I mus b siao le..haiz..

(Men of the same kind flock together)

I begin to noe more n more nite life frens le..Is a gd tin ma,i dunoe???..Is a fact tat we all haf to accept rite??? Nt all question has an answer aniwae..

D 1st time tat i went to DF was 2006 1st dec.It was my badae.At tat time St james power station wasnt fully open in business yet.Peppermint Park is under renovation at then.Boiler still no where to b found..Me n my frens haf direct access to everywhere.Bcos at then we r VVIPs..Managers,bouncers,Big bosses follow wherever we go..well i feel proud at tat moment..Is like a 1 nite tour lor..
I had fun,bt i wasnt hapi .Reason he nt will me.I miz him ,he at Australia.

After my broke up wif him.I started to patronise nite spots..I started to go DF was bcos i noe tat his colleagues r always there n i noe tat he b there too.Cos d 3rd wk of our break up,he went DF le.Bt i was at hm,woundin myself..I shut myself up for 4mths.D 1st time i saw him at DF,d veri 2nd dae i was sen to TTSH(Tan Tock Seng Hospital)His colleagues noes alot of thai gals n visit THai pubs,plus some of them actuali haf thai gf n so I go Thai pubs too.4th wk of our break up,he haf a Thai female fren le...which he claim tat, d gal was onli a hi,bye fren onli.Bt d gal appeared in his frenster?He says tis is gal is out to con his $.Oh reali,Mmmm,my reply..Well if u purely go DF for leisure n nt to make frens n didnt leave ani contacts bhind hw got she con u ley???..

So far i haf nt seen him in ani Thai pubs yet..Bt i always saw him at DF.Tis mth he went there twice le..I saw him las 9 again..Actuali i reali didnt wan to go down de.Cos i haf a feelin tat i will c him there.Las 9 i saw n proven my 6th sense was rite.I saw him standin at d floor,1 stupid gal jus kep pullin his shirt kep tokin to him.Well no men could resist tis type of temptation lor..He tok to tis gal again n again,n laughin happily away..I was totali heart broken..I couldnt take it animore..I went away to cry.D best part?After i finish my cryin,I saw him at smokin corner wif eye to eye contact.He saw me le..haiz..
Ard 2am he left.I was drunk after i saw him left.Mayb i felt relax tat he went away wif his colleagues n nt wif tat GALS ba..

A lovin couple kissn on stage..Is my buddy fren..

Shenton way Thai Pub..Cheographer

My life,
St james dragonfly
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Words spread faster than disease...haiz

Isommia again..wee hrs bt i still cant slep..
On d 10th i saw him again,we had eye to eye contact at DF smokin corner.
He continue to tok n laugh wif his frens..
I walk away,as if we duno each other.
Isnt it sad?
The 2 of us used to b so close,bt nw we couldnt even say HI n BYE to each other le makes me veri heartache.
DF 2nd anniversary i was drunk,las fri i was drunk.. no longer holy water gal..
I begin to love to drink.
Every1 ask me Y???..
Las fri nite,
In d middle of d dance floor i cried bitterly,behavin jus like a small baby..
words spread faster then disease..
I got a fone call tis afternoon.
Wei wat happen to u again liao i thought u r back on ur feet le...
When i saw u on d TV progamme (Nu ren da chu yi) u lok fine?
N i reali tink u r strong?R u tryin to slap urself.
Thought u say u dun nid MAN?
Y u cry for him again?
I haf never say i dun nid man hao ma?
I nid no 1 bt HIM..
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
My boring

Tats me actin cute..

It was jus another borin sundae nite after dinner wif my LAO BAN,business associates n frens we went Marina sq bowlin centre for bowlin session..

Bt guess wat?Onli they bowl i jus sit,there takin pictures...WHhaaa..

I jus dun wan to damage my preti manicure onli lah..

Wats after bowlin..wah u wont believe it lor..of cos is drinkin lah...i SUPER no LIFE leh..whose fault??U guys lah i say go prawnin liao ah...Haiz..8 mths since i las prawn..actuali dun go oso gd lah.i will feel sad if i go lor..
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Nice song(you mei you ren gao shou ni)(I miz u nw)

Went to watch the movie (Hua Pi) painted skin is a love story..
I feel emo again le..
Is 3plus in d mornin n i cant slep..
Im listenin to d song You Mei You Ren..
Got to noe tis song quite a few mths back.
Way back b4 i started to club at DF.
All d while i prefer sad songs,includin tis song.
If u would 2 ask me for a fav song of mine,i would say "Never had a dream come true" by club 7 n "You mei you ren gao shou ni".
Tis 2 songs share d same fate,they dun haf a hapi endin.
All d shows tat i appear in recently,tis yr,after my break up wif him,my role was always a married woman wif a daughter.
My husband was always alife,bt no where to b seen?..b it is i superstitious or purely coincidence? I jus dun like it,is eerie..
A fren of mine noes tat i love tis song n ask me if i noe d story of tis song.
I said "no" i duno,bt i m interested,pls share it wif me.
After hearin d story i cried.
N nw whenever i hear tis song i will share tis story to my frens ard me.
Is a LOVE story..
Tis poor couple was separated,bcos d guy was posted to another country. He was a soldier,a poor village boy,tat had never leave his village b4,never been to town.
Bt nw he has to leave China to another country.
Bt he dun mind to leave,as he can earn more $ n mari tis gal.
When he left town tat dae,his gf give him a letter.She ask for a break up.
Tis poor guy couldnt understan y his gf wans to brk off wif him?
Bt still he still respected her decision.
He wrote tis beautiful lyrics n committed suicide.
I haf no idea who found his lyrics n added in d melody.
N soon tis song was all over d world.
Part of d story was added by me to make tis sad song more touchin.(beautiful)
Tis song reminded me of "HIM" again.At least for NW..
He was a soldier too,Nov 2006 he was out of town for 1mth plus.
B4 he left i wrote him 7 pages of long letter,i reminded "Do nt opened until u r out of town".
I ask for a brk up,bcos i found out,he cheated on me.
Ever since july 2006 he started to delete hp msg,call records..ect.i alreadi found him suspicous..
He was out of town for 4 wks n i was love sick for 3 wks.
I had fever everydae.
He called back sayin "pls dun brk up wif me".N started callin me everydae..
I was touched n we didnt break up,bcos he said he had to walk quite a while to get to d telephone booth.
Wats d big deal of a for a couple to call each other everydae?
B4 tat i wasnt allowed to call him durin wkdaes,b it lunch brk or off work.Nt even allow to mit on wkdaes.
We can onli mit on wkends after 2pm n he will sen me hm at 8 pm.
I felt like im onli a wkend partner to him rather then his soulmate..
Our 1st movie 2gether was 1yr 7mths lata.
It was a local movie called "i do,I do".
Our 1st Anniversary diner was 8mths lata.Bt i never complaint all tis tins to anione.
D onli complaint tat i haf for him is his temper too bad le..He has no time for me. Believe it ma?
Every movie tat i watched wif him i will kep d tickets inside a box. Every diner tat i haf wif him i will kep d receipt.
If he pays i will ask him to for d receipt..
He will ask FOR WAT?I say i jus wan to treasure every single tin tat we haf together.
Bt tins changed for better after he was back fr Australia..
He continue to call at wkdaes.
He spends more time wif me..
I reali tink tat i will mari him at tat time..
Bt everytin turn out nt to b wat i wanted.
8mths had paz i still miz him..especially NW..
I upload d song (You mei you ren gao shu ni) at d end of d page..
I was alreadi tispy when i sang d song..
1st try nt veri well sang bt i like d feel..
Friday, October 3, 2008
Lets make tins clear..Nu Ren Da Chu Yi-Epi 2-1st Oct 2008
Las 9 as usual I was at Df n alot of pple jus come to me n say my expectations too high..i over grade myself le..i blur,then i found abt d tok show Nu Ren Da Chu yi..n found out at hardware zone is a stir of wat we gals said abt guys..
All i can say,is tat,is a public holidae(Hari raya)n alot of pple actuali stay at hm n watch TV programme,tats gd,n so alot of pple misunderstand me..wei m i tat kind of person ma?If i wan then it will haf to b 10k per mth.
Ni men Hao Ma?Super Super sad.
It was Xu Mei Zhen who says tat her idea MAN has to brin hm at least 5k a mth.
Miss Genecia Luo(Miss Spore 2006)says her idea MAN has to brin hm 4k a mth..
when d camera comes to me i laugh n say..oh nw i understand y guys nw adaes so inferior le,d producer stops here..
Oh My God..
I never,never,never,say anitin abt my idea MAN HAS to earn hw mani k per mth OKAY..
Let me make tins clear.
D second part tat d producer cut away is oh nw i understand y guys nw adaes so inferior le,y they so hard find wife le.
So if every1 earns 4 to 5k so easily n find a partner so easily then those who earn less hw?No wonder my guys frens all go n find thai gals..Hahaha..
Bu Yao Zai Suan Wo Le..Dun put words in my mouth OKAY!
All i can say,is tat,is a public holidae(Hari raya)n alot of pple actuali stay at hm n watch TV programme,tats gd,n so alot of pple misunderstand me..wei m i tat kind of person ma?If i wan then it will haf to b 10k per mth.
Ni men Hao Ma?Super Super sad.
It was Xu Mei Zhen who says tat her idea MAN has to brin hm at least 5k a mth.
Miss Genecia Luo(Miss Spore 2006)says her idea MAN has to brin hm 4k a mth..
when d camera comes to me i laugh n say..oh nw i understand y guys nw adaes so inferior le,d producer stops here..
Oh My God..
I never,never,never,say anitin abt my idea MAN HAS to earn hw mani k per mth OKAY..
Let me make tins clear.
D second part tat d producer cut away is oh nw i understand y guys nw adaes so inferior le,y they so hard find wife le.
So if every1 earns 4 to 5k so easily n find a partner so easily then those who earn less hw?No wonder my guys frens all go n find thai gals..Hahaha..
Bu Yao Zai Suan Wo Le..Dun put words in my mouth OKAY!
One fine dae..(My Life)

HeeHee..i lok stupid,rite??A little ugly bt still lok adorable..

I like my Xiao Hei..Somehw i jus lok better better in Xiao Hei then Xiao Bai..

Do i lok nice in Xiao Bai ma?..Aniwae i bought 2 lah..

Time to makan le fr Bukit Merah i change my location to Chinatown.
Korean food again...Hohoho..

Most of d Korean Restauant i went to all quite HOME feel n serve nice food..

Simple deco..Is better to rch B4 6pm or made reservation..Super pack ah after 7pm..Gd food at a goooood price..

Super nice soup mus try ya..Loks like shark fin..
Bt taste better than shark fin..

6 side dish was given for every set meal u ordered..
I perfer d pear juice than d plum juice..Cooling ya..

AHhhh...i c fat meat..

Wrap it wif vegetables is korean style of eatin..n Koreans believe eatin it tis way is healthier.

Time to move to Thomson Plaza at level 3..Foot sure noes hw 2njoy life leh..

My drink is Camoile,n d drink is green tea

Reali is a nice place veri cosy..nice lightin,atmosphere,nice soft ah..

Oh my god..whose preti feet is tat..

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