Went to watch the movie (Hua Pi) painted skin is a love story..
I feel emo again le..
Is 3plus in d mornin n i cant slep..
Im listenin to d song You Mei You Ren..
Got to noe tis song quite a few mths back.
Way back b4 i started to club at DF.
All d while i prefer sad songs,includin tis song.
If u would 2 ask me for a fav song of mine,i would say "Never had a dream come true" by club 7 n "You mei you ren gao shou ni".
Tis 2 songs share d same fate,they dun haf a hapi endin.
All d shows tat i appear in recently,tis yr,after my break up wif him,my role was always a married woman wif a daughter.
My husband was always alife,bt no where to b seen?..b it is i superstitious or purely coincidence? I jus dun like it,is eerie..
A fren of mine noes tat i love tis song n ask me if i noe d story of tis song.
I said "no" i duno,bt i m interested,pls share it wif me.
After hearin d story i cried.
N nw whenever i hear tis song i will share tis story to my frens ard me.
Is a LOVE story..
Tis poor couple was separated,bcos d guy was posted to another country. He was a soldier,a poor village boy,tat had never leave his village b4,never been to town.
Bt nw he has to leave China to another country.
Bt he dun mind to leave,as he can earn more $ n mari tis gal.
When he left town tat dae,his gf give him a letter.She ask for a break up.
Tis poor guy couldnt understan y his gf wans to brk off wif him?
Bt still he still respected her decision.
He wrote tis beautiful lyrics n committed suicide.
I haf no idea who found his lyrics n added in d melody.
N soon tis song was all over d world.
Part of d story was added by me to make tis sad song more touchin.(beautiful)
Tis song reminded me of "HIM" again.At least for NW..
He was a soldier too,Nov 2006 he was out of town for 1mth plus.
B4 he left i wrote him 7 pages of long letter,i reminded "Do nt opened until u r out of town".
I ask for a brk up,bcos i found out,he cheated on me.
Ever since july 2006 he started to delete hp msg,call records..ect.i alreadi found him suspicous..
He was out of town for 4 wks n i was love sick for 3 wks.
I had fever everydae.
He called back sayin "pls dun brk up wif me".N started callin me everydae..
I was touched n we didnt break up,bcos he said he had to walk quite a while to get to d telephone booth.
Wats d big deal of a for a couple to call each other everydae?
B4 tat i wasnt allowed to call him durin wkdaes,b it lunch brk or off work.Nt even allow to mit on wkdaes.
We can onli mit on wkends after 2pm n he will sen me hm at 8 pm.
I felt like im onli a wkend partner to him rather then his soulmate..
Our 1st movie 2gether was 1yr 7mths lata.
It was a local movie called "i do,I do".
Our 1st Anniversary diner was 8mths lata.Bt i never complaint all tis tins to anione.
D onli complaint tat i haf for him is his temper too bad le..He has no time for me. Believe it ma?
Every movie tat i watched wif him i will kep d tickets inside a box. Every diner tat i haf wif him i will kep d receipt.
If he pays i will ask him to for d receipt..
He will ask FOR WAT?I say i jus wan to treasure every single tin tat we haf together.
Bt tins changed for better after he was back fr Australia..
He continue to call at wkdaes.
He spends more time wif me..
I reali tink tat i will mari him at tat time..
Bt everytin turn out nt to b wat i wanted.
8mths had paz i still miz him..especially NW..
I upload d song (You mei you ren gao shu ni) at d end of d page..
I was alreadi tispy when i sang d song..
1st try nt veri well sang bt i like d feel..
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