I m veri sure tat,I am nt a chiongster.Bt since when i bcome 1,i oso dont noe?No matter i like it or nt?Tats hw others lok at me nw?Chiongster...

Do i lok drunk?Mmm..HIGH lah,nt drunk yet..

Thai pubs,b it Goldenmile(level 2),Chinatown(level 6),Orchard(level 7)opp hard rock,Shenton way or central mall..Cherry Thai,bangkok Thai,Choregrapher,NANA,Impact..all i went le..I sound proud leh?Wow,wats there to b proud off

Heard tat Mond Sultan beside beds has 1 n at East coast has 1 too?Still havent had chance to go there,bt i guess is a matter of time onli??..
Reali make sense,as long as they dun fold their business,I will haf my chance lor...Whaaahahah..I mus b siao le..haiz..
(Men of the same kind flock together)
I begin to noe more n more nite life frens le..Is a gd tin ma,i dunoe???..Is okay..is a fact tat we all haf to accept rite??? Nt all question has an answer aniwae..

D 1st time tat i went to DF was 2006 1st dec.It was my badae.At tat time St james power station wasnt fully open in business yet.Peppermint Park is under renovation at then.Boiler still no where to b found..Me n my frens haf direct access to everywhere.Bcos at then we r VVIPs..Managers,bouncers,Big bosses follow wherever we go..well i feel proud at tat moment..Is like a 1 nite tour lor..
I had fun,bt i wasnt hapi .Reason he nt will me.I miz him ,he at Australia.

After my broke up wif him.I started to patronise nite spots..I started to go DF was bcos i noe tat his colleagues r always there n i noe tat he b there too.Cos d 3rd wk of our break up,he went DF le.Bt i was at hm,woundin myself..I shut myself up for 4mths.D 1st time i saw him at DF,d veri 2nd dae i was sen to TTSH(Tan Tock Seng Hospital)His colleagues noes alot of thai gals n visit THai pubs,plus some of them actuali haf thai gf n so I go Thai pubs too.4th wk of our break up,he haf a Thai female fren le...which he claim tat, d gal was onli a hi,bye fren onli.Bt d gal appeared in his frenster?He says tis is gal is out to con his $.Oh reali,Mmmm,my reply..Well if u purely go DF for leisure n nt to make frens n didnt leave ani contacts bhind hw got she con u ley???..

So far i haf nt seen him in ani Thai pubs yet..Bt i always saw him at DF.Tis mth he went there twice le..I saw him las 9 again..Actuali i reali didnt wan to go down de.Cos i haf a feelin tat i will c him there.Las 9 i saw n proven my 6th sense was rite.I saw him standin at d floor,1 stupid gal jus kep pullin his shirt kep tokin to him.Well no men could resist tis type of temptation lor..He tok to tis gal again n again,n laughin happily away..I was totali heart broken..I couldnt take it animore..I went away to cry.D best part?After i finish my cryin,I saw him at smokin corner wif eye to eye contact.He saw me le..haiz..
Ard 2am he left.I was drunk after i saw him left.Mayb i felt relax tat he went away wif his colleagues n nt wif tat GALS ba..

A lovin couple kissn on stage..Is my buddy fren..

Shenton way Thai Pub..Cheographer