Monday, August 25, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Money Not Enough 2

Have you watched the movie "Money Not Enough 2"?
Well, I personally prefer the movie (Part 2) than the Part 1. There are a couple of scenes which have left a very deep impression on me. After watching the movie, I think that "Nu ren shi wei da de"! In this movie, I really see the beauty of women, and I really see the selfishness and the ugly side of men. "Men - other than earning $, what are you capable of?"
The characters (men) inside the movie, will just turn to their women (Nu ren), their mothers or wives whenever they are in trouble. Shouldn't men be more superior than women mah? Shouldn't they be the pillar of the strength for their family mah? Why do they keep turning to women? Well, men are only physically stronger than women lor. This is what I strongly think. Frankly speaking, in terms of IQ or EQ, women will still be a stronger sex than men.
Just like in the movie, Mark Lee is very successful in his career but he is nothing more than that. He is not filial and he is a womaniser. I still remember the part when he got a ticket for speeding, he just turn to his mother, and really make full use of his mother, as if she owe him. But the sad part is that I believe every mum in this world is just as willing like her, to sacrifice themselves for their children. And this just make all these women so beautiful. I still remember when Mark Lee is successful in his career, he visited nightclubs. He was dead drunk when he went home and he even vomitted into his wife's face. But the wife just forgive him. Isn't that beautiful? When he was in debt, she embezzled company funds for him and went to jail because of it. Isn't that beautiful?
As for Hui Ge's wife, the eldest daughter in law, she is just a typical Chinese woman (Xiao nu ren). She is very filial to her mother in law, and she changed her diapers 6 times a day for her when she has "lao ren chi dai zhen". Such actions also make her very beautiful.
Now let's talk about Jack Neo's wife. The way she fought for the 2 packets of O-minus blood is also a show of her motherly love. And this also makes her beautiful. The last part when their mother sacrificed her life for her grand daughter is the greatest love of all.
Well, I was a little disappointed at first because I expected it to be a comedy like Part 1. I don't expect it to be so realistic. I was very touched by the movie and I cried throughout the whole show, at almost every scene. Because I myself, is a stupid woman too. I have done alot of silly things for my EX too. Well, let's not probe about it. Anyway its over le.
Jack Neo's movies always use the same tactics: Ah Long, being sarcastic to the government, funeral scene and the 3 brothers will finally make it in the end. But this time round, the story base (Part 2) is damn strong and i like it lor! For this movie, I will give it 5 stars! You watch it le mah? If not, pls do go and support local films!
Original draft by Cherish
Edited, typed and published by SugarBabe
Friday, August 22, 2008
5star washroom
Believe it or nt tis beautiful washrm is actuali somewhere near u.Wat more is free.Who noes 1 dae tis gd tin may jus happen at ur own neighbourhood..C it even appear in newspaper..
Wow aquarium leh..so preti rite?
Tis 5star washrm is at tampiness st 21 bk 201D..bt tis is nt d onli 1 in spore.There is another 1 at Tiong Bahru food centre is almost d same,big aquarium,spacious n clean.Bt Tiong Bahru washrm u haf to pay to go in lah.N is at level2.Bt tampiness bk 201D washrm is free.YES IS F.O.C lor.At one glance by accident u may nt noe is a toilet until u c d toilet sign.

Dun wo hui ah..tis guy is nt gd his business..he is lokin at lottery ticket,while waitin for his turn.Tis picture is taken at main entrance hor..Dun tink too much ya..hehehe.

Feet mask..
Tis 2 gd fren of mine r local performents..D Babes(Baobei sisters)..I told Tracy i found a great product n she asks where to get tis great product?...My reply is page down.. : )FR left is Tracy,middle is me of cos,rite is Teresa.

Hahaha..Guys im sorry..out of bounds PLS!..Thank u...Bt if u r those tat r veri stubborn n ignore my advice.Reali reali veri curious..reali reali wan to stay.Dun view tis page n u cant slep.Then stay ba..aniwae i cant stop u rite?..Bt to show u some colours for ignorin my word.I will show u my feet..ya dun b surprise YES MY FEET!..Still wanna stay..then b my guest ba...
A nite b4 or after DF,hw can u miz tis out..HAND mask n FEET mask..U mus b puzzle rite,Huh?Ni ho sey ma?We heard abt face mask n hand mask.Nw comes FEET mask?Those pple out there reali out to earn NU REN(Gals) $.Of cos ah?Isnt ur feet a part of ur body hw can u muz ur feet out ley..Without nice feet do u dare to wear open toe shoes n show off ur pedicure ma?..make sense ma?..
Tis is a great product at a super affordable price ---Hand mask less then $3/= lor
Deserve a smiley face ba?: )
Where to get tis great product WATSON..ur friendly store..
Bt nt every watsons has it hor..Marine parade n marina sq has it..funi rite seems like all d "M"shoppin ctr like to cari tis product.
Tis is my lovely feet...Yay!
Feet mask is $4.95/= It comes wif 2 shower caps leh..if u dun mind u can re-use it at ur bath time...hahaha..
2omins had paz..n tis is d finishin product..SHUI la..Woo WAh!..

Nice feet ba..wei guys,guys well c enough leh ma..time 4me to go prepare n go DF leh..CYA!

Nice feet ba..wei guys,guys well c enough leh ma..time 4me to go prepare n go DF leh..CYA!
Monday, August 18, 2008
A Nite B4 Dragonfly - Part 2
After buyin d earrins my galfren wans to eat ice-cream.Bt i reali to go DF cos my frens all arrive le..Sigh..since she say her treat n let me choose a favour..hao ba..
Lets go..Vivo City level 2...
Fri nite so actuali quite pack..bt we r quite lucky.Less then 10mins we got a table.Bt b4 orderin let me check out my catch 4 d nite 1st.Yes,yes,yes another handbag.I tink tis 2mths i buy ard 10 handbags le ba..
Bt tis is a nice 1 lor..Another of my collections fr Charles n Keith.I would call it a "steal" lor after discount is onli $24/=
Veri nice rite?..Wats more tis is d 2nd las piece left at d shop le.Another 1 is display piece.Other outlets dun even haf black le.

Nt 4gettin showin off my new manicure 2 my galfren.Oh..haha d earrin n bracelet is my D.I.Y product.N im veri proud of it lor..
I jus love them..
Finally my galfren cant take it a ANIMORE..Excuse me can i haf tis,tis, n tis...

Sure,thks ya..U haf some 2...yay..

Comments 4Haagen-Das..ur ice-cream is great,ur service is gd...Bt do we lok like 2 thirsty water Buffalo's tat jus came back fr Sahara dessert?Well dessert haf camels onli no water Buffalo's lor..Or do we lok like we came fr a broken family tat we dun pay p.u.b bills tat we r so thirsty 4 sky juice?They jus kep refilling our glasses where WE AREALI ASK THEM TO STOP Le!Poor tin at d end of d dae my galfren drank 3big glasses of water...haiz..Gd service meanin u give wat d customer wans?Rite?

Cum on guys..Now follow me to DF..
Lets go..Vivo City level 2...

Hapily showin off my newly bought handbag to my galfren.Cheers!

Excuse me..can u take my order..

Here comes d sinfully Indulgence..3big scoops of ICE-CREAM.

Reali YUMMY..Sugarbabe reali njoys her ice-cream..

Cum on lah...Eat some more...I feed you...
Yay..we finish it le..

On my way to DF...Take some pixs oso...Heeehee...
Smilez...I so cute mah?????
The nite sea view at Vivo..Nice..
Finally I can go to DF liao...
I so happy..Heeheee...
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