"Most women tink they haf to wori abt d guys finances bcos hes d so-called provider.Bt todae more than ever,men r lookin at ur finances oso.Yes,even d wealthy ones."Trust me..
Lets lok at some gd examples...reali fun..comfirm laugh ur blues away..b it guy or gals..haf fun readin ya..
Samantha went on a date wif a guy who was well off.We shall call him squeaky.(As in,some guys r so tight they squeak when they walk.)
B4 d dinner,he took samatha to an ATM on d way to the restaurant n made her wait in the car while he withdrew $30.After he got in the car,he put the $30 bill on d dashboard as if to let her noe,"Tis is all tats goin to b spent"Then he took her to a hole-in-the-wall place(Cheap-skates Bar n Grill)n suggested tat they share a greasy appetizer.They got out of there for jus shy of $30 includin tip,n u could clearly c it was veri unnervin n painful for him.He practically needed 3-in 1 oil to help get his wallet open.Oh my god..
Tis is the date u wan to cut short.
Do the maths nw.$30 should haf lasted roughly 60minstats $1 dollar for every 2 minutes wif five xtra courtesy minutes for the "jus frens"speech.("jus frens" is code for "no sex")If he takes hard,add 2 mins for pity-time,n then skedaddle.
If u find tis fun i haf more stories coming up...bt tis r real life stories tat i add in a little spices onli..well reali onli a little..
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