Celest n Celeste..who is skinner?I tink she is skinner than me lor..
Top 12 frequent heard remarks n comments at DF..
1.I saw my ex at d dance floor..
Here comes d story liao..a fren jus came back fr d dance floor..
C: Wei wat happen Y ur face so black?
H: Jus saw her?
C: Wat ur mum nag u all d way until here ah?Ur mum strong leh?
Next time dun so frank la say u elsewhere lor.(gd Bao Bao shldnt tell lies)
H: Who says i saw my mum?
C: Lagi worse still u saw ghost ah?(7th mth)
C: Chey..I saw my EX here thousand n one times liao..
There was once I saw his hands in bandage n i ask him wat happen?Is COC..Meaning b it curious or concern?His reply fall down la cant c ah?Dun spoilt my nite..his veri in polite reply make me super sad lor..I wen back to my sit n cry bitterly..All i can say is DF is a public place n is where all d best comes under 1 roof.B it d performers,pa system....etc..even consumers..SO U SHLD B PROUD TAT U R ONE OF D BEST..HAHAHA..
Tokin abt EX?Human being r veri funi..actuali deep inside ur heart u reali hope to c He/Her there.Bt at d same time u dun wan to c wat u dun wish to c.Example:He/Her was holdin someone else hands walkin towards d smokin corner..haiz.
2.Music sucks..
Aiyoyo..Go tok to d DJ
3.Crowd sucks..
(Dun come lor)Wei u r one of them.
4.Toilet queue veri long..
No comments for tis is quite true lor..
5.(xyz) jus bought a Lx bag leh..
Mmmm..wats has it got to do wif u ah?Stop envyin,start workin hard for urs too..
Mmmm..wats has it got to do wif u ah?Stop envyin,start workin hard for urs too..
6.He jus brk off wif her leh..n he start clubin le.
Well there is nothin wrong wif clubbin..my Ex started clubbin,2wks later after we parted.And start addin gals inside his frenster..N says tat d gal is out to conn him n his frens..my reply to him is.If u dun leave ani form of contacts to her.(email,hp number,MSN..)Then she dun get d chance to conn u le..Can nt contact hw to conn?U r d one tat gave her d chance wat?stop complaintin?D part tat she is a thai bt she lie is a local(makin frens has no boundries)I tink u wan her more than fren ba?..well next time b4 u make frens wif anione jus ask them to produce d IC 1st lor..
I myself started clubbin 3mths after me n him part..
7.U never bring(chai)(veggies) to my table..
Aiyoyo..no comments for tis..reali NO..haiz
Got chai can bring, no chai how to bring...???
8.D gal over is d whose ex lor?Hear she bla bla bla...happily go gossiping away..
My comments:
(veri kpo)A gossip is when u put 2 +2 together n it bcomes 5.Scarily rite?
9.He is a ex media artist
My thinkin:
So wat is jus a job lor..nothin much..
10.The other table is drinking waterfall..lok ley lok ley..
Ya,drink liao u will fall(fall down)..hehe
11.U noe tat gal?Y never intro?
Wei..mi a pimp or Mama san..ok ok la..
12.Do u find DF more n more sian ah?
Yaya.he complaints,bt still u c tis fellow every wkend lor..Typical Singaporean(Love 2 complaint)
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